Social media

Hello all,

For Instructional Technology Application we have reviewed a lot of things in relation to how they effect teachers in the classroom and how communities around our schools are effected by various views on education and the changing technology that we use every day. Today I'm going to talk a little bit about social media.

In my opinion, social media has helped teachers come together and share ideas and curriculum in a way that was regulated to annual workshops and training seminars. Instead of hotels and guest speakers, we can now learn new teaching strategies and share with each other new tips on everything about education while lounging in our pajamas drinking lattes on the weekends. There are a few groups that I am a part of on Facebook that constantly post new tips on things like classroom management and new lesson plans for hands on activities in all subjects. They have helped me more than once to screw up my courage to try something new in the classroom.

Specific to this class, we learned about Twitter and Blogger. These are two main tools that are essential for this class. At this point they have started to make the change from class assignment tools, to tools I want to use after this class. My personal learning network (PLN) has steadily been growing and is to the point now where I may have to whittle it down a little to be able to see what I want. Daily I see numerous articles talking about everything I want to know about the classroom. I simply don't have the time or stamina to read them all, but I would never give up this rich of a resource.

That being said social media is a great thing for education (regardless of what some may say it is doing to the next generation). We just have to try and keep up with it and use it to our advantage.
