TPACK is a structural tool to help teachers, new and old, to understand how to effectively incorporate technology into their classroom and lessons. Why do we need it? Because, technology has progressed from being a luxury to a necessity in modern life. To relate to the modern student we as teachers have to be well versed in the same technology they are using outside of school. All of this technology is begging to be used with new apps and programs being built specifically for classroom use. But sadly it is missing from many classrooms around the country. The common excuses are: schools aren't adequately funded, teachers aren't trained in how to use them, and teachers don't want it in their classrooms. In some cases these are true, but we cannot let them stand in the way of improvement.

Many of my peers have said similar if not the same thing when it comes to integrating technology into classrooms. It isn't a question anymore of whether or not we should use technology in the classroom, rather it is, how do we do it most effectively? TPACK gives us a handy model for that. We have to do our own research and see if the tech will compliment our particular teaching style. For example, if you are a teacher who uses hands on exercises like blocks to demonstrate math concepts, you wouldn't want to use PowerPoint to create a lecture that doesn't engage your students just for the sake of having technology in your room. You have to ask yourself if the technology will enhance your teaching or detract from it. However, just because PowerPoint didn't work in the way that benefited your class, it doesn't mean that there isn't another app or something that can engage your students and give you that lesson that really wows everyone with it's integration of technology and positive outcomes with the students.

I work in a juvenile correctional facility that is ran by the state. We have a lot of technology at our disposal thanks to our ample resources. The curriculum for the youth is online through Brightspace (the same program used by Akron University). We have the resources but, due to the nature of the environment, certain limitations exist when it comes to what exactly I can incorporate. Physical devices such as iPads and laptops are ruled out but, I am curious to try things such as Quizlet and other learning software to try and engage the students and spark their interest for learning, rather than the current method of just pushing them through the course content. 

TPACK gives us a model of how technology, content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge meld together to form a classroom that is innovative and efficient. My question is how can I use it in my situation? I think gaining mastery of the current technology and programs at my school is going to enable me to take things into my own hands in the future. So, rather than building lessons using a lot of outside programs I should become comfortable with what I have, so that, when I do want to change things up and try new ideas, I can do it smoother and with a higher success rate.
