What types of productivity tools do you see yourself using in your classroom and specifically, how will you use them?
Hello all,
Productivity is something we all want to have more of, but seem to have a hard time accomplishing. I often struggle with having enough motivation to get through everything that needs to be done. However, the key is not to rely on motivation. It is to rely on structure. Structure is what is going to allow you to finish your tasks consistently and in a timely manner.
So, how do we develop this structure? One of the ways is through tools that help reinforce our rules. It can be high tech apps that log how much time you spend on social media rather than work. Or, it can be as simple as sticky note lists on your refrigerator that keep you on task throughout your day. I have found checklists and other forms of writing down my tasks to be very helpful. Often times, when I have a full day ahead of me, I find it much more daunting to get through it without writing down what it is I need to accomplish that day. Once it is on paper, it's not as scary and it becomes very rewarding to cross things off of the list.
In my classroom, I can see myself using checklists to ensure I complete grades, lesson plans, and training modules by the required date. Apps like Wunderlist, Springpad, and Google Keep, offer user friendly ways of keeping tasks in order by setting reminders and allowing you to do the ever-so-satisfying "check off" of the list.
Hopefully, going forward with checklists ready, I will increase my productivity as a teacher and my students will receive the benefits of that productivity.
I agree with you whole-hardheartedly about using technology in the classroom, it is the new wave for teaching